PM: Malaysia aims to be carbon-neutral by 2050, no more new coal-fired power plants - 27092021 |
Monday, 27 Sep 2021, 2:15 PM MYT
KUALA LUMPUR : Malaysia aims to be a carbon-neutral
country by the year 2050, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
The Prime Minister said to support this effort, economic
instruments such as carbon pricing and carbon tax will be
"Other details for carbon reduction measures will be
announced after the strategic long-term review of the
low-carbon development strategies has been finalised by
the end of 2022," he said while tabling the 12th Malaysia
Plan in Parliament on Monday (Sept 27).
The Prime Minister also pledged that the government will
no longer build new coal-fired power plants.
He added that a comprehensive National Energy Policy
will soon be introduced to provide a long-term strategic
direction to support the aspirations of a carbon-neutral
"Cleaner electricity generation will be implemented
through the operation of several gas power plants in
Peninsular Malaysia to replace coal-fired power plants,"
he added.
Source : Click Here
Call for Malaysia to liberalise solar power industry |
In his first exclusive interview after his appointment
as the president of Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry
Association, Davis Chong urges the government to
liberalise the solar power industry.
THE atmosphere in Malaysia’s once-boring solar power
industry has completely changed in recent years.
Between 2014 and 2019, solar is the only renewable
energy (RE) source that has grown by a whopping 432%
in installed capacity.
The soaring appetite for solar power was thanks to
conducive government policies such as tax incentives,
apart from cheaper photovoltaic systems, that encouraged
solar energy adoption across the commercial and
residential sectors.
The growth is further strengthened by the entry of
non-power producers into the industry and the
growing need for companies to boost their environmental,
social and governance (ESG) profiles.
There remains huge untapped potential for the solar
power industry in Malaysia, and this is complemented
by an increasingly high demand from the market.
However, the country’s highly-regulated solar-related
policies have to an extent prevented Malaysia from truly
realising its potential.
In his first exclusive interview after his appointment as the
president of Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association,
Davis Chong urges the government to liberalise the solar
power industry.
Chong calls for the removal of quota for the generation of
solar power, pointing out that the existing quotas are
“too small for the market demand.”
“For example, the Net Offset Virtual Aggregation (NOVA)
programme under the existing Net Energy Metering (NEM)
programme has a quota of 300MW for the commercial
sector for the period of April 2021 to December 2023.
“But the quota has been almost entirely taken up in
three months, with only 0.03MW left by June 30.
This shows that the market wants more.
“If the regulator still thinks that a quota is necessary,
we would suggest that a quota of 3,000MW is allocated
until 2025, ” says Chong, who is also the chief executive
officer of Solarvest Holdings Bhd .
He adds that the government needs to provide clarity on
the size of quota allocations up to 2025, in advance,
instead of topping up the quotas upon expiry.
This is considering that most of the government policies
for RE are up to the year 2025 as the immediate target.
“At least the industry players across the supply chain
know where we are heading and we can plan ahead.
With such information, project owners can decide on
whether there is a need to split the project into a
few phases.
“Other industry stakeholders can also plan on better
managing their resources, company expansion and others.
If there is no clarity about whether the quotas would be
topped up, it is difficult to plan, ” he adds.
Chong also highlighted that the NOVA programme under
the third NEM scheme only allows a maximum of 1MW
of installed capacity per applicant.
“In the past, we did not have such limitations. This is
unnecessary, considering the kind of demand we see
from the market, ” he says.
Looking ahead, Chong also raised concerns about the
solar power industry post-2025.
Referring to the Report on Peninsular Malaysia Generation
Development Plan 2020 (2021-2039), he says the
country’s RE pursuit seems to be “slowing down” from
2026 to 2039.
“From the report, it appears that the RE programme would
slow down post-2025 and very little new capacity
would be added compared to what is happening now, ”
according to him.
Chong strongly believes that the current momentum could
be sustained, moving forward, if the programmes are
continued and new initiatives are introduced for greater
solar power adoption.
Other than continuing the NEM and Large Scale Solar
(LSS) programmes, Chong says that the self-consumption
or selco programme should be continued “freely and
Selco is a programme whereby electricity is being
generated for individual, commercial and industrial
consumers’ own usage and any excess is not allowed
to be exported to the grid.
“It seems that this capacity (selco) is also being controlled.
While we want it to be unregulated, there will still be a
need to do technical studies by project owners before
“Our solar power programmes have yet to achieve the full
potential, ” Chong says.
Chong also suggested for an off-site third-party access
policy to be introduced in Malaysia, pointing out there is
an increasingly high demand from businesses, especially
those with high energy consumption.
By having such a policy in place, a solar power plant in
the outskirts would be able to directly supply the
electricity generated to companies, which are located
at a distant place.
The electricity would be supplied through the grid
system operated by Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) .
Chong points out that TNB can charge the power
producers for every kilowatt of electricity that passes
through the grid.
“We have the financials to carry out the third-party access
model, we have investors who are willing to invest and we
have off-takers or companies that want to buy the power
generated, but we just don’t have the policy to do that, ”
he says.
Moving forward, Chong says the government could
consider introducing a spot market for electricity in
Malaysia, taking reference from the existing models
in the Philippines, Australia and the United States.
In Australia, for example, the National Electricity Market
(NEM) is a “spot market”, or “pool”, in which power supply
and demand are matched in real-time through a centrally
coordinated dispatch process that is managed by the
Australian Energy Market Operator.
Power generators sell electricity to the pool, and retailers
buy electricity from the pool to on-sell to consumers.
Through such a spot market in Malaysia, it would increase
the vibrancy of the RE market, given the high demand
from end-users.
Chong highlighted the importance of having a
comprehensive and well-thought solar energy policy to
attract foreign direct investments and boost the country’s
“green gross domestic product or GDP.”
“The continued growth of RE capacity would provide the
opportunity for other industries to invest in Malaysia.
Some international companies such as Coca-Cola,
Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft are demanding for
direct RE supply to be available for their premises.
“We see a huge demand from the RE100 companies, and
if we have a good solar energy policy, this would pave the
way for these companies to set up their operations in
RE100 is a global initiative bringing together the world’s
most influential businesses driving the transition to 100%
renewable electricity.
Among the big names that are part of the RE100 initiative
are Adobe, Apple, Google, Facebook and 3M.
In driving the solar power industry forward, Chong hopes
that the policy direction from the Energy and Natural
Resources Ministry would be more aligned with the
Energy Commission (EC), the Sustainable Energy
Development Authority (Seda) and TNB.
“The industry has had a number of issues due to the lack
of alignment, especially on technical matters.
“Sometimes, solar power producers could not get the
approval from the EC due to technical issues, even though
TNB and Seda have already approved.
“Because of this, many solar power projects are sitting
idle for more than six months despite completing the
installations, ” he says.
Chong also hopes that there would be a greater
engagement between the government and the industry
stakeholders in formulating RE policies in the future.
“We still have a very regulatory mindset in setting policies.
A lot of the time, the industry stakeholders across the
supply chain do not have the chance to put in our ideas
and feedback before setting up the policy.
“We hope the government will listen more to the people
who are in the industry, including the end-users such as
the businesses and individuals. Such inputs will give the
government good data to decide what is best for the
next policy, ” he says.
Govt to launch National Energy Policy 'soon', says Mustapa - 15072021 |
July 15, 2021 15:56 pm +08
KUALA LUMPUR (July 15) : Prime Minister's Department
(Economy) Datuk Seri The government will launch the
National Energy Policy soon as a guide for the
development of Malaysia’s energy sector, particularly
as the industry transitions to a low-carbon future,
said Minister in the Prime Minister's Department
(Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
He said the Covid-19 pandemic gave the energy
industry an opportunity to implement major changes
and embrace sustainability by adopting environmental,
social and governance (ESG) criteria in the oil and gas
services and equipment (OGSE) sector despite being
hit hard by the pandemic.
"Globally, demand for ESG funds rose 29% to nearly
US$1.7 trillion in the last quarter of 2020," he said in
his keynote address during the first series of National
OGSE Sustainability Forum held virtually today.
In addition to the recently launched the National
OGSE Industry Blueprint 2021 - 2030, the National
Energy Policy is also vital to enable OGSE businesses
to make the decisions today that will help shape a
cleaner, more sustainable future for generations to
Currently, there are only 32 local OGSE companies that
have adopted sustainability reporting.
Out of this, only one company, Dialog Group Bhd, is on
the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, a benchmark
tracking the stock performance of leading companies
in terms of economic, environmental, and social criteria.
Mustapa said the low adoption suggests that ESG
awareness remains uneven among OGSE players —
even among public-listed companies — what more among
the less informed small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
To prepare the OGSE industry for the ESG journey,
he noted that the players must equip themselves with the
right skills and knowledge to navigate the path ahead.
The industry has to keep pace with the changing rules of
the game, and today, that means integrating ESG into
business practices to stay relevant and competitive, he said.
"We are faced with the reality that those who refuse
to evolve — or evolve too slowly — may be left behind,
or swallowed by the competition."
Meanwhile, Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation
(MPRC) president/chief executive officer Mohd Yazid Ja’afar
said the oil and gas (O&G) industry has more pressure to
comply with the ESG requirements as the players were at
higher scrutiny due to their nature of operations that may
have negative impact on the environment and public at large.
“In fact, in the ESG industry report card for O&G published
by S&P Global Ratings in February last year, the sector
has higher negative exposure to environment and
social factors over the short, medium and long term,”
he said in his presentation at the forum.
However, Mohd Yazid pointed out that it was not easy for
companies to adopt sustainable practices, especially for
OGSE companies due to the complexities of reporting and
assessments, among others.
“We are cognisant of the challenges faced by the
companies to adopt these sustainability concepts, but
this is an important step in efforts to transform the sector
to be robust and resilient,” he said, adding that MPRC
would be identifying initiatives and collaborative efforts
to ensure more holistic adoption of sustainability
practices for the sectors.
The half-day National OGSE Sustainability Forum is
co-organised by the Economic Planning Unit of the
Prime Minister's Department and MPRC. |
Understand your electricity Bill Discount under the National People's Well-Being and Economic Recovery Package (PEMULIH) - 28062021 |
1. Apakah manfaat yang boleh saya perolehi sebagai
pelanggan TNB di bawah Pakej PEMULIH yang telah
diumumkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia baru-baru ini?
Lanjutan daripada pengumuman Kerajaan Malaysia
mengenai pelaksanaan Pakej PEMULIH pada
28 Jun 2021, diskaun bil elektrik akan diberikan
kepada kumpulan sasar berikut berdasarkan
jumlah penggunaan elektrik bulanan untuk
tempoh 3 bulan dari 1 Julai 2021 hingga
30 September 2021:

Nota: 6 sektor Komersial (Perdagangan) terpilih di bawah
inisiatif PEMERKASA Plus akan terus menerima
diskaun sebanyak 10% ke atas jumlah penggunaan
elektrik bulanan dari 1 Julai - 30 September 2021.
2. Bilakah tempoh layak menerima diskaun di bawah
Pakej PEMULIH dan Rebat ICPT?
Diskaun bil elektrik di bawah Pakej PEMULIH adalah
diberikan untuk tempoh tiga (3) bulan untuk
penggunaan elektrik mulai dari 1 Julai 2021 sehingga
30 September 2021 untuk pengguna kediaman
(Tarif A - Domestik) sehingga 900kWj sebulan dan
perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) voltan rendah.
Manakala, bagi pengguna komersil dari 6 sektor
perniagaan terpilih, diskaun PEMULIH adalah bermula
dari 1 Oktober 2021 sehingga 31 Disember 2021.
Untuk penggunaan dari 1 Julai 2021 sehingga
30 September 2021, diskaun adalah di bawah pakej
Di samping itu, semua pengguna TNB akan terus
menikmati rebat ICPT sebanyak RM0.02 per kWj untuk
penggunaan elektrik bulanan bermula dari 1 Julai 2021
hingga 31 Disember 2021.
3. Apakah jenis-jenis tarif yang layak menerima
diskaun bil elektrik?
Jenis-jenis tarif yang layak menerima diskaun bil
elektrik adalah seperti berikut:
*Termasuk tarif B yang mendapat diskaun rumah ibadat,
intitusi pendidikan dan badan kebajikan
**Tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat oleh Kerajaan.
Perjanjian Khas adalah merujuk kepada pengguna
seperti pengguna co-generator, pengguna di pulau-
pulau dengan Tarif Khas, pengguna-pengguna kereta
api ber-rel seperti KTM double track, MRT, LRT, ERL
dan seumpamanya
4. Adakah pengguna Net Energy Metering (NEM) layak
menerima diskaun?
Ya Pengguna NEM adalah layak menerima diskaun
elektrik berdasarkan kategori dan tarif sepeti yang
dinyatakan di soalan 3.
5. Siapakah yang layak menerima rebat ICPT?
Semua pengguna TNB akan terus menikmati rebat
ICPT sebanyak RM0.02 per kWj untuk penggunaan
elektrik bulanan untuk tempoh enam (6) bulan
bermula dari 1 Julai 2021 hingga 31 Disember 2021.
6. Adakah diskaun pakej PEMULIH ini akan terus
dimasukkan dalam bil bulan Julai 2021?
Diskaun pakej PEMULIH akan diberikan mulai
penggunaan 1 Julai sehingga 30 September 2021.
Pengguna akan dapat melihat diskaun di dalam bil
elektrik yang bertarikh 15 Julai 2021 dan seterusnya.
Bagi pengguna yang menerima bil bertarikh antara
1 – 14 Julai 2021, amaun diskaun (yang layak) untuk
bulan Julai 2021 akan dimasukkan ke dalam bil bulan
Ogos 2021.
Pelanggan yang menerima bil sepanjang bulan Julai
2021 akan menikmati diskaun mengikut bilangan hari
penggunaan dalam bulan Julai 2021. Diskaun yang
diberikan adalah selepas mengambil kira rebat ICPT
sebanyak RM0.02 per kWj.
Diskaun PEMULIH akan mula dinikmati sepenuhnya di
dalam bil bulan Ogos dan September 2021.
7. Saya adalah pengguna kediaman (domestik).
Apakah yang perlu saya lakukan untuk
mendapatkan diskaun?
Pengguna kediaman (domestik) di Semenanjung
Malaysia layak menerima diskaun ini secara automatik
berdasarkan jumlah penggunaan bulanan seperti
jadual di bawah:
8. Saya adalah pengguna kediaman (domestik).
Berapakah kadar diskaun yang layak saya terima
samada 40%, 15%, 10% atau 5%?
Pengguna kediaman (domestik) tidak perlu
mengambil apa-apa tindakan. Diskaun diberikan
secara automatik kepada semua pengguna kediaman
(domestik) yang berdaftar dengan TNB berdasarkan
jumlah penggunaan elektrik untuk tempoh
penggunaan mulai 1 Julai hingga 30 September 2021.
Contoh, sekiranya penggunaan elektrik bulanan adalah
300kWj atau RM 77.00, maka pengguna akan mendapat
diskaun sebanyak 15% ke atas bil mereka.
9. Saya adalah pengguna kediaman (domestik)
dengan bil bulanan sekitar RM400, adakah saya
layak menerima diskaun di bawah pakej PEMULIH?
Pengguna tidak layak menerima diskaun bil elektrik di
bawah pakej PEMULIH kerana penggunaan telah
melebihi had maksimum diskaun PEMULIH iaitu
900kWj atau RM395.60 sebulan.
Namun pengguna masih dapat menikmati rebat ICPT
pada kadar RM0.02 per kWJ bagi penggunaan elektrik
dari tempoh 1 Julai sehingga 31 Disember 2021
dengan anggaran penjimatan bil sebanyak 4-5%.
10. Saya tinggal di servis apartment, mengapakah
kadar diskaun yang saya terima tidak berdasarkan
kadar diskaun pengguna kediaman?
Servis apartment diklasifikasikan sebagai pengguna
komersial berdasarkan status tanah (gazzetted
commercial land) sepertimana definasi dalam buku
tarif. Sehubungan itu tarif yang diberikan bagi
servis apartment adalah tarif komersial, B dan
layak menerima diskaun 5%.
Namun begitu pengguna boleh membuat penukaran
ke tarif kediaman jika premis servis apartmen itu
dijadikan sebagai kediaman persendirian.
Permohonan pertukaran tariff boleh dimajukan secara
online menerusi portal myTNB atau walk-in di Kedai
Tenaga dengan membawa dokumen sokongan
seperti salinan perjanjian jual beli atau penyewaan
11. Jika saya membuat penukaran tarif dari komersial
ke tarif kediaman, adakah saya akan menerima
diskaun mengikut penggunaan dari 1 Julai 2021?
Ya, pengguna layak menerima diskaun mengikut
penggunaan dan pengiraan diskaun akan dibuat
secara prorata mengikut kelayakan bermula dari tarikh
penukaran tarif.
12. Apakah kategori pengguna PKS di bawah voltan
rendah yang layak menerima diskaun 5%?
Diskaun 5% diberikan kepada pengguna PKS kategori
komersial (perdagangan), perindustrian dan pertanian
spesifik voltan rendah dengan Tariff B, D dan H.
13. Adakah pengguna elektrik bagi kategori PKS perlu
membuat permohonan dan pengesahan kelayakan
bagi diskaun 5%?
Tidak. Diskaun 5% diberikan secara automatik kepada
semua pengguna TNB bagi kategori Komersial
(Perdagangan, Tarif B), Perindustrian (Tarif D) dan
Pertanian Spesifik (Tarif H) yang mengambil bekalan
di paras voltan rendah.
14. Saya adalah PKS yang berdaftar dengan SME
Corp. Malaysia dan mengambil bekalan di
paras voltan sederhana/tinggi, adakah saya
layak menerima diskaun 5% ini?
Tidak, kelayakan bagi diskaun 5% ini adalah terhad
kepada pengguna PKS yang mengambil bekalan
voltan rendah dengan Tarif B, D dan H.
15. Saya adalah PKS yang sedang menikmati diskaun
10% di bawah pakej PEMERKASA/PEMERKASA+,
adakah saya layak menerima tambahan diskaun
5% ini?
Tidak, pengguna hanya layak menerima satu kategori
diskaun sahaja.
16. Apakah sektor perniagaan yang layak menerima
diskaun sebanyak 10%?
Komersial (Pedagangan) dari enam (6) sektor
perniagaan terpilih yang telah dikenalpasti oleh
Kerajaan bagi diskaun 10% ialah:
- Pengendali Hotel;
- Taman Tema;
- Pusat Konvensyen;
- Pusat Membeli Belah;
- Pejabat Syarikat Penerbangan Tempatan; dan
- Agensi Pelancongan.
Pengguna perdagangan dari 6 sektor terpilih yang
telah menerima diskaun 10% di bawah Pakej Program
Strategik Memperkasa Rakyat dan Ekonomi
(PEMERKASA) akan secara automatik layak
menerima diskaun 10% di bawah PEMERKASA+
17. Saya termasuk dalam enam (6) sektor perniagaan
yang layak menerima diskaun 10% tetapi apabila
menyemak penggunaan elektrik untuk bulan Julai
2021, saya dapati tiada diskaun diberikan.
Bagaimana saya boleh memohon diskaun
Maklumat lanjut berhubung kelayakan dan cara
memohon untuk mendapatkan diskaun 10% di
bawah pakej Pemerkasa+ boleh didapati di sini.
18. Bagaimanakah pengiraan diskaun bil elektrik
Diskaun bil elektrik dikira seperti berikut:
Nota : Jenis caj yang tidak diambilkira untuk Diskaun Bil
Elektrik ialah Kumpulan Wang Tenaga Boleh
Baharu, Surcaj Angkadar Kuasa, Penalti Lewat
Bayar, Surcaj Alat Kimpal, Deposit, Tambahan,
Lampu Jalan Individu, Caj Minima Bulanan dan
Caj Bekalan Sementara.
Contoh Pengiraan Diskaun PEMULIH di dalam Bil Elektrik:
a) Contoh 1 : Pelanggan Kediaman (Tarif A) bagi tempoh
bil 6 Julai 2021 – 5 Ogos 2021 dengan
penggunaan elektrik sebanyak 186kWj,
layak menerima diskaun sebanyak 40%.
(Diskaun sebanyak 40% bagi penggunaan
elektrik bulanan sebanyak 1-200kWj)

b) Contoh 2 : Pelanggan Kediaman (Tarif A) bagi tempoh
bil 16 Julai 2021 – 15 Ogos 2021 dengan
penggunaan elektrik sebanyak 286kWj,
layak menerima diskaun sebanyak 15%
(Diskaun sebanyak 15% bagi penggunaan
elektrik bulanan sebanyak 201-300kWj)

c) Contoh 3 : Pelanggan Perdagangan (Tarif B) bagi
tempoh bil 16 Julai 2021 – 15 Ogos 2021
layak menerima diskaun sebanyak 5%.

d) Contoh 4 : Pelanggan Kediaman (Tarif A) menerima bil
bertarikh 5 Julai 2021 dengan tempoh bil
5 Jun 2021 – 5 Julai 2021. Penggunaan
elektrik sebanyak 186kWj dalam bulan
Jun 2021 dan Julai 2021. Pengiraan diskaun
dikira secara prorata untuk penggunaan
bagi tempoh 5 hari (mulai 1 Julai hingga
5 Julai 2021).

e) Contoh 5 : Pelanggan Perdagangan (Tarif B) menerima
bil bertarikh 16 Julai 2021 dengan tempoh
bil 17 Jun 2021 – 16 Julai 2021.
Penggunaan elektrik sebanyak 454kWj
dalam bulan Jun 2021 dan Julai 2021.
Pengiraan diskaun dikira secara prorata
untuk penggunaan bagi tempoh 16 hari
(mulai 1 Julai hingga 16 Julai 2021).

19. Penggunaan di premis saya adalah 0 kWj dan
menerima bil dengan Caj Minima Bulanan
(Minimum Monthly Charge, MMC) sebanyak RM3,
adakah saya layak menerima diskaun PEMULIH?
Tidak, diskaun PEMULIH dikira berdasarkan formula
seperti di soalan 18 di atas. Sehubungan itu tiada
diskaun diberikan kerana penggunaan adalah 0kWj.
20. Berapakah Caj Minima Bulanan (Minimum Monthly
Charge, MMC) yang dikenakan?
Caj MMC bulanan yang dikenakan adalah berbeza
mengikut tarif seperti berikut:
Nota : Caj MMC di atas adalah berdasarkan tempoh
pembacaan 28 - 31 hari. Caj MMC akan dikira
secara prorata sekiranya tempoh bacaan lebih
31 hari atau kurang dari 28 hari.
Maklumat lanjut berkenaan dengan pengiraan caj MMC
boleh diperolehi di laman sesawang TNB seperti berikut;
Contoh Pengiraan Diskaun PEMULIH di dalam Bil Elektrik:
21. Sekiranya bil saya adalah kurang dari nilai Caj
Minima Bulanan (Minimum Monthly Charge, MMC)
adakah saya akan menerima diskaun PEMULIH?
Ya. Pengguna akan menerima diskaun PEMULIH
berdasarkan jumlah kWj penggunaan.
Walau bagaimanapun sekiranya jumlah bil bersih
sebulan setelah mengambil kira jumlah penggunaan,
rebat ICPT dan semua jenis diskaun (diskaun TNB,
diskaun PEMULIH, diskaun PEMERKASA+) adalah
kurang dari nilai caj MMC maka pengguna akan
dikenakan caj semasa mengikut nilai MMC seperti
jadual di soalan 20.

22. Berapakah jumlah penjimatan bil yang akan saya
perolehi dengan menerima Diskaun PEMULIH dan
Rebat ICPT?
Pengguna akan menerima diskaun PEMULIH dan juga
rebat ICPT berdasarkan jumlah penggunaan elektrik
Peratus penjimatan bagi pengguna adalah seperti
A. Pengguna Kediaman (Domestik)
*Berdasarkan penggunaan 901kWj
B. Pengguna PKS di bawah voltan rendah
(komersial (perdagangan), perindustrian
dan pertanian spesifik voltan rendah)
Jumlah penjimatan adalah sekitar
9% – 10% dengan mengambil kira diskaun
PEMULIH (5%) dan rebat RM0.02 per kWj.
23. Saya telah menerima bil anggaran dengan diskaun
elektrik bagi tempoh PKP. Adakah saya akan
menerima diskaun elektrik apabila menerima bil
dengan bacaan sebenar?
Ya. Bil anggaran yang dikeluarkan akan diselaraskan
apabila bacaan sebenar diperolehi. Pelarasan juga
akan dibuat ke atas diskaun elektrik.
Bagi pengguna kediaman yang mana bil mereka
melibatkan penggunaan sebelum dan selepas 1 Julai
2021, kelayakan diskaun akan dikira berdasarkan dua
langkah berikut:
- Tentukan jumlah bil bagi penggunaan selepas 1 Julai 2021 untuk diberikan diskaun
- Tentukan jumlah kegunaan bagi setiap band berdasarkan prorata tempoh bacaan
- Kira % diskaun yang layak berdasarkan band yang telah diprorata
- Selaraskan bil anggaran sebelum ini di mana pengguna telah dicajkan diskaun dalam bulan sebelumnya berdasarkan anggaran
24. Saya adalah pengguna NEM. Bil elektrik saya bulan
ini mempunyai baki negatif selepas menerima
Adakah baki negatif tersebut akan ditolak dari bil
elektrik untuk bulan-bulan akan datang?
Pengiraan diskaun bagi pengguna NEM yang layak
adalah berdasarkan kegunaan bulan semasa.
Sekiranya jumlah bil adalah negatif selepas ditolak
diskaun dan caj eksport, ia akan menjadi baki NEM.
Untuk pengguna NEM NOVA, baki NEM akan terus
dilupuskan dan tidak boleh ditolak dalam bil bulan
Untuk pengguna NEM 1.0, NEM 2.0, NEM Rakyat &
NEM GoMEn, baki NEM akan ditolak dari jumlah
bil-bil elektrik akan datang sehingga tarikh lupusnya.
Sebagai contoh, jika tarikh lupus baki NEM pada
31/12/2021, ia tidak lagi boleh ditolak dari jumlah bil
pada 1/1/2022.
Siapakah yang boleh dihubungi untuk
mendapatkan maklumat diskaun bawah
Pakej PEMULIH dengan lebih lanjut?
- TNB CareLine di talian 1-300-88-5454; atau
- E-mel; atau
- Kedai Tenaga yang berdekatan.
Pemakluman Limit Kapasiti Net Energy Metering (nem) Dan Net Offset Virtual Aggregation (nova) Bagi Pengguna Voltan Rendah - 11062021 |